GBlog Three 90 Challenge: Bigger and Better
As we transit into the new phase, it's essential to fuel our inner drive for success. On popular demand, GeeksforGeeks is happy to announce that we are back with the Thre...Read More
Given an array arr[] of size N consisting of only of 0s initially, the task is to count the number of 1s that can be… Read More
Given an array arr[] of size N, the task is to find the maximum sum non-empty subsequence present in the given array. Examples: Input: arr[]… Read More
Given two arrays arr[] and brr[] consisting of N and K elements respectively, the task is to find the maximum subarray sum possible from the… Read More
Given an array arr[] of length N consisting of positive integers, the task is to find the longest increasing subsequence that can be formed by… Read More
Given a binary string S of length N consisting of 0s, 1s, and “?”, where “?” can be replaced by either 0 or 1, the… Read More
Given a 2D matrix mat[][] of size N * M, the task is to find the median of Bitwise XOR of all possible submatrices from… Read More
Given an array arr[] of size N, the task is to find the sum of the floor value of (arr[i] / arr[j]) for all pairs… Read More
Hashtable is a kind of Hash map but is synchronized. Hash map is non–synchronized, permits one null key & multiple null values, not-thread safe i.e.… Read More
Without data analytics, companies are blind and deaf! This is absolutely true in today’s world where data analytics allows companies to understand their market better… Read More
Round 1 (Online Test): The first round was cocubes assessment and below is the test pattern: Cognitive: 30 Questions, 30 minComputer Fundamental: 20 Questions, 20… Read More
Given an array A[] consisting of N integers, the task is to find the minimum difference between the largest and the smallest element in the… Read More
Prerequisites: Matplotlib, NumPy In this article, we will see how can we can view our graph from different angles, Here we use three different methods… Read More
Android 7.0(API level 24) provides support for multilingual users, allowing the users to select multiple locales in the setting. A Locale object represents a specific… Read More
Prerequisite: Python: MySQL Create Table In this article, we are going to see how to get the size of a table in MySQL using Python.… Read More